Empowering Hearing Health Providers

Unlock automated ABR hearing tests that are ultra-precise and entirely painless for ages 0 and up.

Game-changing Hearing Diagnostic Solutions

Sixth icon deriving from the logo of the company.

Disruptive Innovation

Neurality EP stimulates the cochlea and interprets results with complex AI algorithms, offering greater precision and speed compared to standard ABR and click tests. It eliminates subjective variables of interpretation and emotion, while being a completely painless process—even for babies.
Fifth icon deriving from the logo of the company.

Connected Diagnostics

Neurality delivers clinical insights across your health system and automates the tedious tasks of hearing diagnosticians, freeing them up to do work that really matters.  Keeping track of your test and patient data securely is made easier with robust cybersecurity features.
Fourth icon deriving from the logo of the company.

Assessment Transformed

ABR paired with complex AI algorithms open new opportunities for value in care. Neurality brings the power of ABR and EEG testing  to your assessment, diagnosis and treatment process to detect even the earliest signs of hearing loss by matching patterns against other data sets.

Maximize Clinical Efficiency with Innovation

For Hearing Aid Companies

Neurality for Hearing Loss Diagnostics

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Drive innovation among your network of audiologists and diagnosticians
First icon deriving from the logo of the company.
Provide AI-powered diagnostic instruments that leverage huge learning data sets
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Diagnose with elderly and baby-friendly devices, with maximum cost efficiency

Join Our Demo Program

We’re looking for partners and investors to help accelerate the potential of Neurality.
Get the Demo
Students in lab coats at a students education institution.

For Healtchare Providers

Neurality for Medical Systems

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Improve quality of patient outcomes by eliminating misinterpretation of ABR test results
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Free up physician availability spent on manual tasks that are better suited to automation
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Deploy predictive diagnostic solutions for early detection of hearing loss

More Audiologists, More Availability

Empower in-house audiologists to see more patents, or offer community-based healthcare providers to access critical and reliable preventative hearing care--while in a outpatient setting, and without advanced training in audiology.
A computer monitor on a desk in a dimly lit room.

For Educational Institutions

Enhanced Learning experience

NeuralEP revolutionizes audiology education by offering a comprehensive virtual platform for hands-on simulations and ABR data analysis. It enables students to understand how to interpret test results and diagnose various hearing disorders across diverse field settings, from outpatient practice to the military.

Equipping Students for Modern Technology

Integrating NeuralEP into educational settings fosters innovation and enhances students' proficiency with advanced hearing loss diagnostic tools. This not only positions them at the forefront of medical innovation but also gives them a competitive edge in the future job market over less tech-savvy peers.

Pioneering Scientific Breakthroughs

NeuralEP advances scientific research across various medical specialties. By leveraging the platform's robust features for data analysis and interpretation, students and researchers can contribute to scientific discovery in the field of hearing diagnostics.
Students in lab coats  at a students education institution.

Sounds Interesting?

We are looking for partners to participate in the next stage of testing accuracy, efficiency, and data training

A laptop displaying a graph on its screen, showing information visually.